Jethro, a young mountaineer...
Jethro, a young mountaineer, had just come into some money,
and decided to buy one of them new-fangled bathtubs,
instead of just the galvanized washtub he usually bathed in.
He went down to the plumber's shop, and arranged for them
to install it in his shack.
Next day, he was back at the plumber's, complaining. "The
water keeps draining out as fast as the faucet will pour
it in. I can't take a bath in it if the water won't stay long enough!"
The plumber asked, "Did you put the plug in?"
"What?" says Jethro. "You didn't tell me it was electric!"
and decided to buy one of them new-fangled bathtubs,
instead of just the galvanized washtub he usually bathed in.
He went down to the plumber's shop, and arranged for them
to install it in his shack.
Next day, he was back at the plumber's, complaining. "The
water keeps draining out as fast as the faucet will pour
it in. I can't take a bath in it if the water won't stay long enough!"
The plumber asked, "Did you put the plug in?"
"What?" says Jethro. "You didn't tell me it was electric!"
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