
Monday, July 03, 2006

Top 10 Signs You Got the Wrong Lawyer...

10. His law degree, is from the University of Baghdad.

9. More than half of his previous clients are now on trial for trying to kill him.

8. Instead of "Your Honor", he keeps addressing the Judge as "Playa"

7. The only motion he's made all day is rubbing his crotch.

6. He giggles like a school girl evertime someone says the word "briefs".

5. You see him drinking "Malibu" and "Coke" in the parking lot before Court.

4. He gets upset when you lose and yells " Well, it worked on Judge Judy"!

3. Your Legal Team keeps trying to sue each other for taking the last Bagel.

2. Instead of saying "Objection" he keeps yelling "Bingo"!

1. He keeps asking you " Would it kill you to just say you did it?"